Forecast Recognition

Jul 23, 2021

Iron Man might just have become Climate Man.

Robert Downey, Jr.’s venture fund was one of several to take part in a $12M Series A round for forecast-focused startup ClimateAi. The new tech tool aims to help make agriculture more profitable and food systems more resilient through artificial intelligence climate forecasting.

Learning about clouds on the cloud: So meta. Farmers know weather is a main hurdle to jump each year. Talks about climate change are like the temperatures predicted: on the uptick.

The World Meteorological Organization predicts a 90% likelihood we’ll see the hottest year on record between 2021 and 2025. Looking forward to it…?

Climate Avengers: ClimateAi hopes to help the agricultural supply chain predict the weather to help minimize its climate risk exposure. Their science aims to forecast extreme weather events more than two weeks before they occur, thanks to machine learning and loads of data points.

This is the same technology that powers successful rocket launches. You’re welcome, Jeff Bezos

Specifically, this could help the food supply chain by:

  • Identifying new locations for climate-smart expansions for specific crops and ingredients
  • Managing inventory better to avoid shortages
  • Forecasting pressures from pests and diseases

SoundbAite: “ClimateAi is a platform that provides long-term insights into weather and climate impacts, providing businesses the information they need today to take the actions needed now to adapt to the climate disruptions of tomorrow.” – Jon Schulhof, co-founder of FootPrint Coalition Ventures.

Taking it global: ClimateAi has ambitious goals to be deployed across half a billion acres of farmland around the world in the next three years.