Bayer is throwing its weight behind legislation that would block failure to warn lawsuits that claim Roundup causes cancer.
The backlash: 150+ Iowans protested the bill at the Iowa Capitol. Individuals, environmental groups, and trial lawyers say the bill robs farmers and landscapers of their only means to seek justice following pesticide-related illness. The Iowa Association for Justice notes that Iowa plaintiffs account for less than 1% of the Roundup-related lawsuits against Bayer.
The Future of Fertilizer Is Glass
Watch out traditional fertilizers…there’s a new fertilizer on the scene, and it’s made of glass....
Dairy Industry Making Mooves
The dairy industry is making mooves. Last week the Fair Milk Pricing for Farmers Act received...
404: Climate Data Not Found
The Purge isn’t just a horror movie. It’s also happening IRL. But…in terms of website content, to...