Bayer is throwing its weight behind legislation that would block failure to warn lawsuits that claim Roundup causes cancer.
The backlash: 150+ Iowans protested the bill at the Iowa Capitol. Individuals, environmental groups, and trial lawyers say the bill robs farmers and landscapers of their only means to seek justice following pesticide-related illness. The Iowa Association for Justice notes that Iowa plaintiffs account for less than 1% of the Roundup-related lawsuits against Bayer.
FAFSA Fix for Farms
College aid rules could soon stop treating tractors like trust funds. The rundown: Legislators...
There’s Beef with Labels: MCOOL Provisions At Play
Drake watching Kendrick Lamar dissing him on national television: COOL. Also COOL: Country of...
Coffee Drinkers Roasted By Record Prices
It’s hard to beat sipping a hot cup of coffee in the morning. But that cup of joe could...