Farmers Are Fans of Fertilizer Ruling

Jul 22, 2022

Increased nitrogen fertilizer tariffs are out, and U.S. agriculture groups are celebrating. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled it wouldn’t impose additional tariffs after CF Industries filed a petition for urea ammonium nitrate tariffs on imports from Russia and Trinidad and Tobago.

Soundbite: “We have been watching this go up over the past several months, but here lately, we’ve seen a little bit of relief in the price of nitrogen, but I think that this is going to additionally help quite a bit,” said Ronnie Russell, American Soybean Association board member from Missouri.

For farmers, fewer tariffs should mean more imports—which would provide some much-needed relief to the ongoing supply squeeze, and (ideally) lower prices.

Building (commodity) coalitions: National Corn Growers Association President Chris Edgington says, “Maybe even the biggest news is it proves that commodity groups and the corn growers have the ability to make a difference on something that we’ve maybe never really weighed in (on) until this last year where we have been involved in fertilizer on a large scale.”

Next on the docket: Other fertilizer imports like potash and phosphate could be reviewed.