Radicle Growth Supports Radical Development

Aug 9, 2022

AgTech startups just got a major boost.

And the new platform is totally rad.

The deetsRadicle Growth, a company that builds ag and food tech companies through early-stage investment, just announced its latest project—The Radicle Farm.

The new platform gives startups access to trial farms across the globe to boost the speed of development.

Two-timin’ partners: Partner startups that hook up with The Radicle Farm get access to trial design support, agronomic support, and… farms in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

The result? Double the growing seasons and (hopefully) double the development speed.

Growing expertise: Radicle Growth offers startups access to farming partners who have expertise and operations in soy, corn, cereal grains, and a whole slew of specialty crops that make up over 75% of the world’s caloric intake.

And there’s no time like the present. When discussing the integration of new technologies in the ag and food supply chain, Radicle Growth Managing Partner Kirk Haney said, “It’s not a single issue,” noting that various populations are facing obesity, micronutrient deficiency, and a need for food transparency.

“We have both a quantity and quality problem and disseminating information is going to help solve those two challenges.” Where this goes: In exchange for its cutting-edge service, Radicle Growth will receive equity in each approved startup. And with the first cohort of startups planned for this fall, Radicle’s not wasting any time.