Ship Happens

Ship Happens

Turn on Long Hot Summer Day by Turnpike Troubadours and keep on reading… But first, railroads: While there’s been a bright light in shipping agricultural products by rail in the fourth quarter, a new tide is shifting because of labor. We all remember the potential...
No Dairy Industry FOMO on FMMO

No Dairy Industry FOMO on FMMO

The 1930s have been calling—and they want their dairy challenges back. More than 180 representatives from the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Milk Producers Federation, dairy cooperatives, processors, state dairy associations, and dairy farmers from across...

More Yield, Same Fields: Brazilian Beans

In Brazil, soybeans are big business. Supplying 40% of global demand, Brazil is key to this crucial crop’s production. Brazil is also home to one of the most important ecosystems in the world: the Amazon rainforest. See where things are going here? So did some...
“Under the Canopy!”: the Asian Copperleaf

“Under the Canopy!”: the Asian Copperleaf

There’s a new weed in town, and Iowa farmers aren’t feeling cool about it in the least bit. Hello, Asian copperleaf. A nasty plant from the spurge family (but without the milky sap), it can grow as high as 2-3 feet, but normally stays under 18 inches (in Iowa at...