The Buzz Around Beewise

The Buzz Around Beewise

Investors are buzzing about Beewise, contributing $80M to its latest funding round. Beewise, an Israel-based company with operations in Sacramento, sells solar-powered, robotic Beehomes that use software and AI to protect bees from pests and harsh weather conditions....
Diesel Gets Fired, Ethanol Is Hired

Diesel Gets Fired, Ethanol Is Hired

Dump the diesel and bring on the corn juice. ‘Cause your tractor may soon be running on ethanol. ClearFlame Engine Technologies, the Chicagoland-based startup, recently announced it will be running a field test of its technology on a 9-liter John Deere diesel engine....
Financing Farm FinTech – Breedr Gets Funded

Financing Farm FinTech – Breedr Gets Funded

Financing farm financing. It’s not as confusing as it sounds. British agtech startup Breedr recently secured a £12M ($15.8M USD) Series A round of funding for its livestock management software—specifically to help develop and scale the app’s farm financing...
SupPlant Pours a Tall Glass of Water

SupPlant Pours a Tall Glass of Water

Bring it on, climate change. An irrigation tech startup is about to serve up another dose of high-quality H2Whoa. Show me the money: SupPlant, the Israel-based irrigation-tech company, just secured $27M in a Series A funding round led by Red Dot Capital. This boost...