No Dairy Industry FOMO on FMMO

No Dairy Industry FOMO on FMMO

The 1930s have been calling—and they want their dairy challenges back. More than 180 representatives from the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Milk Producers Federation, dairy cooperatives, processors, state dairy associations, and dairy farmers from across...
Dairy Farmers to DC: Do Mooore for Milk

Dairy Farmers to DC: Do Mooore for Milk

Farmers of a feather herd together. And that’s just what happened when a motley crew of various organizations gathered together in Washington, D.C to promote a common interest—The Dairy Revitalization Plan. Farmers and dairy groups linked arms in late July to advocate...
Fiery Dutch Farmer Protests

Fiery Dutch Farmer Protests

Farmers in the Netherlands aren’t happy. But some believe that producer unrest could end up extending farther than the sling radius of a Dutch manure spreader. Refresher: As noted in Tuesday’s Quick Hits section, Dutch farmers are protesting proposed climate change...
1% (Less) Milk

1% (Less) Milk

Got milk? More and more producers these days are saying, “Well… not as much.” In its most recent quarterly dairy report, Rabobank points to yet another decrease in milk production worldwide, with output falling 1.1% in the second quarter. The dip this...
FOMO on FMMO Changes

FOMO on FMMO Changes

The dairy industry is mooving toward changing the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system that has divided milk into four classes since the 1930s. For nearly 100 years, FMMO has rewarded Class I fluid milk producers with the highest prices. Americans...