Climate-Smart’s Ready to Start

Climate-Smart’s Ready to Start

The USDA is handing out dolla dolla bills to 70 lucky applicants to the Partnerships of Climate-Smart Commodities program. Those winners will now go on to increase U.S. ag’s competitive advantage and build wealth in rural America. ICYMI: The USDA originally dedicated...
Railroad Strike Derailed

Railroad Strike Derailed

“I hear that train a-comin’. It’s rollin’ ‘round the bend…” And for now, it looks like this train will stay on the tracks. Crisis averted: After a marathon negotiation session between the major U.S. railroads and unions, President Biden...
Feed Cost Frenzy

Feed Cost Frenzy

It’s the latest in a swath of price increases troubling farmers and pilfering profits. Feed costs are squeezing livestock producers, and projections are saying… dollar bills: they’re what’s for (livestock’s) dinner. Feed costs are the biggest cost category for...
Carbon Confusion — A Messy Market

Carbon Confusion — A Messy Market

We mentioned this topic briefly in last week’s Magnetic, but figured the conversation deserved more credit. Carbon dating: No, we’re not talking about aging dinosaur bones. We’re talking about new relationships forming around carbon. Businesses want to be carbon...